Open your MS-Access Application. This one comes by default with MS-Office Package.


Step 1: After opening the Application, select the blank database as shown in below picture.

blankdb programming9


Step 2: Give a Database name as employee(your own and can be any thing) and create it in current working location or path. 

2 name blankdb p9

Step 3: A new window appears with employee name on the left side of screen. Right click on the Table1:Table as shown in below picture. Select the design view from the Right click options. 

3  Rc p9

Step 4: A new popup window displays on the screen to ask a name for the new Table. Give a proper name, it is very important to give a proper name. This name might be used in java like languages to establish a proper data base connection using JDBC.

4 nameview p9

Step 5: After selecting the design view enter the field names as eid, ename, esalary and edept with appropriate data types. Data types like Number, Text, Date etc..

5 createtable p9

Step 6: Select the DataSheet view by right clicking on emp table name. And enter the detals in each coloumn as shown in below image.

6 datasheetview p9

Step 7: save the Table. That\'s it. We got created a new Ms- Access Database with employee name.