<html> <head> <title>math</title> <script type= "text/javascript "> <!-- function oper() { var ch=parseInt(prompt( "Enter your choice 1.Addition 2.Subtraction 3.Multiplication 4.Division ")); switch(ch) { case 1:var v1=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the first value ")); var v2=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the second value ")); var v3=v1+v2; document.writeln( "<br> "+ "Addition: "+v3); break; case 2:var v4=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the first value ")); var v5=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the second value ")); var v6=v4-v5; document.writeln( "<br> "+ "Subtraction: "+v6); break; case 3:var v7=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the first value ")); var v8=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the second value ")); var v9=v7*v8; document.writeln( "<br> "+ "Multiplication: "+v9); break; case 4:var v10=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the first value ")); var v11=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the second value ")); var v12=v10/v11; document.writeln( "<br> "+ "Divison: "+v12); break; case 5:var v13=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the first value ")); var v14=parseInt(prompt( "Enter the second value ")); var v15=v13%v14; document.writeln( "<br> "+ "Modulus: "+v15); break; default: document.writeln( "Enter choice correctly "); } } </script> </head> <body onLoad= "oper()"></body> </html>