Variable is a named representation of a memory location. In simple, you need to store a value in some memory location, that is hard to remember or to reuse. variables are used to represent that memory location.
Ex: int a=10; in the above line of code, a is a variable, that represents a memory location where the value 10 is stored.
Java is a strongly typed language, it means, all the values must be specified with any of the predefined types, such as Integer, and values can also be modified later.
Ex: int x=20; // strongly Typed x=15 // Weakly Typed, no need to mention the data type here.
Python, JavaScript are examples of loosely typed languages.
Naming Convention in Java
Naming of variables is a combination of Rules and Conventions, Java uses Camel Case to represent methods.
Variables in Java
1. Use only Letter, Numbers, $ and _ (Underscore). 2. First Character is not a number or $ or _ and it is always a letter.
Class and Interface Names in Java
Class name and interface name is a noun in java and it must start with a Capital Letter.
Ex: class Demo{ } class DemoCode{ // All subsequent words starting letter is a capital
Method Names in Java:
Method names in java must start with a small letter and capital letters for all other subsequent words.
Ex: void programming(int value); // First letter is small void programmingWebsite(int value); // first letter is small, subsequent word starting letter is capital.
Constant Variables in Java:
All the constants in java must be Capital representation.
Ex: public static int MAX_PRIORITY=10; public static int NORM_PRIORITY = 5; public static int MIN_PRIORITY=1;
Package Name in Java:
all the package names in java are in lower case letters
Ex: java.lang
Example Java Code for Variables:
public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { int varName; varName = 100; System.out.println(varName); }
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