Introduction and Features of Python

Python is a High-Level (Human Readable) programming language developed by Guido Van Rossum in the year 1991 at center for Mathematics and Computer Science run under Dutch Government.

Python name come from a TV Show called "Monty Python's Flying Circus".

Python supports Windows, Linux and Mac operating Systems and it is free and open source. Downloaded from official Website

Features of Python

  • Easy to learn and Simple
  • Portable
  • Interpreted language
  • Free and Open Source
  • Python is Extensible
  • Python is High-Level
  • Big Library
  • Scripting Language
  • Procedure and Object Oriented Language

Easy to learn and Simple: Python Syntax is simple to understand and write. We can write our code with fewer number of steps compared to C, C++, and Java.

Python is Portable: Python is platform independent, that means, Python runs under different operating systems like Windows, Linux, and Mac. It is designed for better portability; it means that the program gives the same result on any system.

Interpreted language: Python does not have compilation phase; it is only interpreted language and it uses Python virtual machine.

Free and Open Source: Python is distributed under Python Software Foundation License which supports GNL General Public License (GPL). Everyone can use the software for free. Python is Extensible: It allows the adding of low-level modules to interpreter for customization.

Python is High-Level: Python is a High-level language, that means it uses English words to write programs, so that everyone can understand and write codes using python.

Big Library: Python consists of a huge set of built-in functions called Standard Library Functions. It also supports third party libraries like, Numpy, Pandas, Sympy, etc. Libraries are available for most of the modern technologies like Data Science, AI, Machine Learning.

Let us see some of the python libraries:

  • Numpy- package for single and multi-dimensional arrays in python. Fiona- Reads and Writes bigdata files
  • Pandas- Data analysis, Time series and statistics.
  • Pillow- python imaging library
  • Scipy- for Scientific and Engineering calculations

Scripting Language: Python is a scripting language, that means, it doesn’t use compiler. Python uses only interpreter to translate source code into machine code while running.

Procedure and Object Oriented Language: Python is both procedural and object oriented, in procedural, we use functions and procedures, where as in object oriented, we use classes and objects.

In python, variables, lists, functions, arrays, etc are considered as objects.