Variables in Python
Variables in python generally not required to mention the data type before the variable name.
Variable is a named representation of a memory location.
In simple, the system selects one location in memory for your value to be stored, but the "address of memory location" is hard to remember, so we use a simple english as a variable name to represent that memory location.
we will see the declaration of variables in the python.
#following line stores an integer in x variable x=8 print(x) #output is 8
We can do multiple declarations of integer values is as follows
x=10 y=20 print(x,y) # output is 10 20 #Another way of writing the same x,y=10,20 # Here, x is 10 and y is 20 print(x,y) # output is 10 20
Floating point values can be stored in variables, follow the same syntax as integers.
x=3.142 print(x) #prints 3.142 as output
We can assign a string value to a variable
x=' is a programming website' print(x) # Above line prints the is a programming website as an output
We can also assign a Boolean value to the variable
#Boolean values must be True or False x=True print(x) # the above line prints the True as an output
One important point is, in True or False, T and F are capital letters. That is, you must always right True (T is capital letter) or False (F is capital letter).